what is mthfr?


What is mthfr

MTHFR Gene variants reduce the activity of the MTHFR enzyme. MTHFR converts dietary folate into it’s active form “methylfolate” (5-MTHF). Without the MTHFR enzyme, we aren’t able to use folate (a critical vitamin of our metabolism).

The enzyme also plays an important role in converting homocysteine into methionine, which the body needs for proper metabolism and muscle growth and which is needed for glutathione creation (our major antioxidant).

The process of methylation also involves the enzyme from the MTHFR gene, so those with the mutation have trouble effectively eliminating heavy metals, harsh chemicals and toxins from their bodies.

MTHFR variants can: increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and dementia, reduce the ability to breakdown toxins and heavy metals, slow down the conversion of homocysteine into glutathione (the master antioxidant) - low levels of glutathione makes us more susceptible to toxin overdose. MTHFR variants can also increase the risks of various cancers, congenital defects, mood issues, miscarriages, infertility and much much more.

This is very basic information on MTHFR gene variants however, there is so much more information out there. If you’re interested in learning more about MTHFR gene variants and testing I would consult with your healthcare provider. A few great resources I have found and have learned from are: @drbenlynch and his book “Dirty Genes,” @mthfr_expert, @mthfrdietandlifestyle, @mthfrexperts.

The information I have shared is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anyone. The information I’m sharing is simply to raise awareness.